Sunday, March 22, 2009

Waiting for a weather window...

Thursday was too calm, with winds at only about five knots...We came back to Cayman after a day at sea. We had dolphins leaping alongside the boat and saw the phosphoressecne at night, plus a spectacular sunset.
Will set out again in a few days....

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Leaving Port!

Yes, the day is finally here. It's 4:40 am and we are about to get a ride to the boat as we have ben staying in comfort at Dave Johnson's. It took a big final push to finish all of the taks involved in getting the boat ready, but we are confident that we have the equipment and systems necessary for the journey. Many thanks to Dave J. and Mike Alt from Corporate Electric for supplying us with a satellite phone. Thanks also to Bill, Richard, Monica, Steve and many others for all the help.
You can follow the weather we will be experiencing at
Pictures of the boat with it's new wind generator, single side band radio, vhf radio, new mainstay, custom covers and cushions, and spruced up interior and exterior will be posted once we get to Cuba.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Figuring stuff out

There have ben so many problems to solve, and so much stuff to get organized. Mike got a big order of supplies in today, which all has to be installed in the next few days. Today was Mike's birthday, so we took some time out for that. We were given five or six little fish from another boat at the marina, the guys were all brothers or cousins, and they showed us how to extract and clean a conch, which will probably come in handy. The fish were delicious.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Setting Out Soon

Our proposed leave date is early morining on March 17th, St. Patrick's day. We can clear customs the night before and leave at daybreak. We are heading to Cayo Largo in Cuba, about 250 kilometers, arriving on the 18th. There's a good chance Lee will be leaving at the same time, and headed for the same destination, so we're hoping that the boats are both ready by then so we can travel together. Lots to do before then!

Back to Kaibo in windier conditions

We did another Sunday sail with Dave and Richard and had a great time on the North Sound, going about 6.5 knots most of the way to Kaibo. The winds were quite lively and it was a lot of fun. Lee was out in his boat too and after chasing each other around the sound we rafted the boats together at the dock and went for lunch. On the way back it was a run with the wind at our stern.

Dock Party

We were invited over to dinner on Pat's boat. Alice and Pat prepared an awesome meal. Pat lives on his boat in Governor's Harbour. Alice has her own boat moored in the harbour as well.

Pat and Alice have an unlimited amount of knowledge on sailing. They have been an inspiration and have provided a world of information to help us on our way.

Pat's boat "Indio"

"Indio" on dock C

Nick, Camille and Gord.

Camille, Gord and Alice. Gord takes tours to Stingray city on his boat you can see on the far right .


The hosts Pat and Alice

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Our Marina Neighbor

Lee Marcoux is a good neighbor at the marina, supplying us with tools, beer, andinvaluable information about Cuba and fishing!

Lee Marcoux

Lee and baby daughter Jasmine

Sunset at the Marina

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A day of Sailing

On Sunday. Steve and Peggy Laforge and their niece Jaqueline and her husband Travis came out for a sail. We went across the North Sound over to Kaibo and back in time for sunset. There were a few unexpected adventures, but a good time was had by all.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cayman Life

A day at a quiet beach, in contrast to the cruise ship beach!

Mike Gavel