Thursday, March 12, 2009

Figuring stuff out

There have ben so many problems to solve, and so much stuff to get organized. Mike got a big order of supplies in today, which all has to be installed in the next few days. Today was Mike's birthday, so we took some time out for that. We were given five or six little fish from another boat at the marina, the guys were all brothers or cousins, and they showed us how to extract and clean a conch, which will probably come in handy. The fish were delicious.


  1. Happy Birthday Mike!

  2. Happy Belated Birthday Mike. Hope all is going well for your voyage.

  3. Happy Birthday? it aint my birthday was months ago...any way; thanks!

    so mike G; what is the new date to be? how many gallons of water does it take to reconstitute the Beamer when you get to port?
