Friday, April 3, 2009

We are now in Cuba and not able to post any pictures so this text will have to do for now. We got the boat fixed and headed out to Cayo Largo on the Friday. It started out fine but by the time we were just off of cayo Largo the waves were 18 feet and the wind was 25 knots. Who the hells idea was this anyway???? We did make it in to the harbour and had a wonderful time there. we met some friends from Cayman. The beaches are awesome here. we headed out for Cienfuegos 4 days later and made it in 2 days. we are here now and are having a great time. Have met a few local musicians are have been invited for dinner. this is a beautiful city. we will go to Trinidad by bus tomorrow as it is easier to get into than by boat. we wil;l stay here for 4-5 days and then head out for Jamiaca. I will update the blog with pictures when we get there. Love you all. Wish you were all here.
Mike and Camille


  1. Hey Mike try and give me a call on SSB pat

  2. Hi Mike, Hope all is going well. Dad was up for Easter. He has been sailing vicariously with you by having Doreen monitor this site. He wondered if you were still in Cuba.
    Safe travels,

  3. Hey Mike.

    How is it going eh? are you in Jamaica? Past Jamaica? Hispaniola? Puerto Rico? like....where the hell are you?? waiting patiently for more beautiful photos of your Caribbean adventure cap'n.

    Mike P
